
Dolly was found dumped on waste ground. Carole had a phone call at midnight enquiring if the sanctuary would take Dolly in. Carole agreed to give Dolly a home, and after a night at a vets practice Dolly arrived at FARS. Dolly is cheeky and friendly and has quickly settled into life at FARS. Dolly loves playing in her paddling pool with her balls.

When you adopt Dolly, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Dolly between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here

Ruby & Jimmy

Ruby was a late and unexpected birth on a farm; the farmer brought Ruby to the gate and she became a resident here at FARS. She is now thriving and enjoys seeing visitors. Jimmy came to FARS in the same way – a farmer brought him to the gate after his foot got stuck in a fence. He was very ill and small, and needed two hourly feeds day and night. Of course Jimmy was welcomed to FARS. Jimmy and Ruby became friends and can often be seen together.


When you adopt Ruby & Jimmy, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Ruby & Jimmy between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here

The Hen Party

Hetty, Ginge & The Gang

Here at the sanctuary we have around 15 chickens, but it is the gang of six who have been here the longest. Ginge is a typical ginger egg laying hen, with a lovely temperament. She was found walking down a road, and with no houses close-by she was brought here to
the sanctuary. Hetty is the biggest hen – she is a black Orpington and looks very fancy! The chickens’ favourite treats are corn on the cob, frozen peas and chopped curly kale!

When you adopt The Hen Party, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  the hens between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here


Merrick arrived at the sanctuary in early 2019, alongside three other rams. He was very timid on arrival, but over the last couple of months his character has really come out. He will walk over to you when he is grazing in the field, and loves attention of the team and visitors!

He is one of the few sheep here at FARS who prefers cuddles and attention over biscuits!

When you adopt Merrick, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Merrick between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here

Bart & Bruce

Bart and Bruce came to the sanctuary separately, but are always together and always up to mischief.

Bart came in with another sheep called Binky, and Bruce came in as a lamb with his mom Sheila (who is often found in the blue shed). Bruce and Sheila were found abandoned and brought to the sanctuary by a kind member of the public.

Bart and bruce are two of the greediest sheep here, and will jump over any hurdle to get to food. They both love biscuits, and won’t let any other sheep stand in their way when they want some!

When you adopt Bart & Bruce, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Bart & Bruce between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here


Nero Loves scratches under his chin!

Nero was born in December 2018 and came to FARS in June 2019. He had been living in a council run working/petting farm. As a male dairy calf he was taken from his mother when he was only hours old. He was kept on display so that people could see him and stroke him. As Nero got older and was considered less “cute” he was moved to a pen at the back of the farm.

A frequent visitor was concerned as to his whereabouts and they asked the farm if they could re-home him. However, council policy dictated that he would have to be sent to auction. Luckily his case gained attention and a group of compassionate people purchased him and brought him to FARS. He can now be seen grazing with his new sheep friends who are getting more used to him every day.

When you adopt  Nero, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Nero between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here