Nero The Calf Arrives!

Welcome Nero!

We would like to introduce you to the latest addition to the sanctuary – Nero!

Nero is the first calf at FARS and he is already settling in really well. He was rescued by two animal lovers from a petting farm where he would’ve been sent to slaughter very soon. We were able to give Nero a safe home with us.

A massive thank you to those wonderful people who rescued him, and a huge thank to the amazing Heather Mills who has kindly funded Nero’s food for the next 6 months. This wouldn’t have been possible without each and every one of you.

If you would like to donate to Nero’s upkeep here at his new home, you can visit our donate page or click the button below

A Little Becomes a Lot Monday

The beginning of the month is always tough for the sanctuary. Most of our bills are scheduled to go out at this time. We also realise we ask so much from you all, but to continue the great work Carole and the team do at Woolly Park Farm, we are reliant on donations.

This is why we have created ‘A Little Becomes a Lot Monday.’

The first Monday of each month we are asking each and every one of you if you would kindly donate just a £1.00 to the sanctuary. Yes, you read it correctly £1.00!

We reckon this:

If 100 followers donated £1.00, this would raise £100. Our next month’s lamb’s milk is paid.

If 1000 followers donated £1.00 this would raise £1000. Our next month’s rent is paid.

If 2000 followers donated £1.00 this would raise £2000. Our next month’s rent is paid and 2 months feed.

If 3000 followers donated £1.00 this would raise £3000. Our next month’s rent is paid, 2 months feed and any vet bills.

If 4000 followers donated £1.00 this would raise £4000. Our next month’s rent is paid, 2 months feed, any vet bills and we could get started on the new goat and pig pens.

If you could spare £1.00 today (which is less than a cup of coffee) we would be extremely grateful. Please share with your animal loving friends and let’s see how much we can raise in 24 hours.

  ‘Little by little, little becomes a lot’ ~ Tanzanian Proverb

Thank you so much for your  kind donation. If you would prefer to donate direct into our bank account – (HSBC 40-24-45, account number 40009830)
All Lives are Precious!

Easter Event Photo Gallery

Sunshine mixed with the most fabulous, warm atmosphere helped to trigger a great Easter weekend fundraising and awareness event at Woolly Park Farm!

The first of its kind, in just over six weeks we managed to organise a marquee from Cotswold Marquees Ltd, asked the brilliant Face Painting by Sarah Jayne Creations to come along and use her ethical and vegan face paints to decorate the faces of kids and adults too, arrange with the amazing The Artisan vegan Catering company to come along and cater for us. Their food certainly didn’t disappoint and neither did their aprons! One of our own sanctuary volunteers Charlotte Chapman Photography also signed up to be the event’s official photographer.

Our own team worked effortlessly, not only pulling out all the stops to bring in raffle prizes and tombola prizes, but over the weekend taking on different roles to ensure the success of the event. A special thanks to Abi Malins who knocked on the doors of many local businesses at short notice to make sure our Easter Vegan Hamper and Pamper hamper had sufficient goodies. Thank you especially to Tesco, Waitrose, Body Shop, Lush & Marks and Spencer.

Thank you also to Sarah from Dekany Design for the beautiful decorations & posters, to Suzanne Evetts Florists for their gorgeous table decorations, Lorri from VEGAN Happy Clothing, not only for her kind contribution to FARS merchandise, tressle tables and POS, but for looking after our merchandise stand on Saturday too.
After deducting the necessary costs for the event we raised £1544.96 and a huge amount of AWARENESS and love for Carole Webb’s amazing work!

We would like to thank everyone who came along to FARS Warwickshire this weekend. Our strap-line was “ Pledge not to eat lamb this Easter. Instead spend sometime with our beautiful rescued babies!” It melts our hearts that tickets sold out for both days. We would like to apologise to those who missed out because of this, but the event will be back again in September. Please keep an eye out for details. Tickets will go on sale very soon!

Once again thank you always for your support!

Two Little Fighters

Little Larry & Little Johnny

(Two little fighters ready to take on the world!)

It’s that time of year. Lambing season. It’s a harrowing thought to think most of these precious little babies will not live to see their first birthday. Born in the spring, wrenched from their mummies and sent to the abattoir for slaughter.

A few of these innocent creatures are fortunate to be brought to Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary. Generally, they have slight defects, such as wonky legs, blindness, or maybe premature (not expected to survive). But these are the lucky lambs, who could live well into their teens!

This year though, we have two little fighters, who have much more than a slight defect.



Meet Little Larry, bright as a button, but has sadly been diagnosed with spina bifida. We want to give this little baby boy every chance and although an operation is possible, it will have no effect. We have been advised though that Little Larry has the strength to use a wheeled cart. This will then enable him to walk.

We cannot determine how many years little Larry will be blessed with, no one knows, but isn’t it right that all lives are precious?

Meet Little Johnny, again a plucky little fellow. His leg is so severely broken, the only option left available to us to ensure he survives and has a quality of life, is amputation. His operation was quickly scheduled, and was a huge success!

These two little fighters will obviously need extra care, attention and medication. If you could donate to Little Larry & Little Johnny’s Appeal, no matter how small, it will help Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary with the additional costs required.

Thank you so much for your love and support for Little Larry and Little Johnny.  You can make a one-off donation in several ways, via our PayPal link below,  by  donating direct into our bank account – (HSBC 40-24-45, account number 40009830) or by sending a cheque made payable to Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary. Postal address – Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary, Woolly Park Farm, Saddlebow Lane, Wolverton, Warwickshire CV37 0HQ.

All Lives Are Precious!