
Gorgeous George is a firm favourite at Woolly Park

George arrived at Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary in 2014, a few weeks  before Christmas, after being found by a couple wandering in the middle of a road. Space was tight at Woolly Park Farm, but although Carole tried to find him a home elsewhere, no one seemed to be able to accommodate him. It was soon decided  the young piglet, just a few weeks old would reside at Woolly Park Farm with Carole. Bottle feeds, tummy tickles and wallowing in mud, George soon developed a great character and is one of the firm favourites on our adoption list.

eorge has his own purpose-built home to keep warm in the winter and shade him in the summer, a muddy wallow and loves apples.

When you adopt George, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

   • A  certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

   • A photograph of your adopted animal.

   • All Lives are Precious postcard.

   • An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

   • A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals 

Adoption packages cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit George between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment. Contact Us

Mr Rodney (Rodders)

Rodney’s disability does not hold him back

A plucky three-legged lamb who had to have one of his hind legs amputated after being attacked in a local field by a dog or a fox. He was brought to Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary in 2016 by a local vet – The Ark Veterinary Practice, and despite his handicap, Rodders is a happy and lively lamb. He has settled down well at Woolly Park Farm, where he quickly made friends with fellow new arrivals Barney and Splash. Rodney does not let his disability hold him back and gets around very easily on his three legs.

Rodney’s story told by The Ark Veterinary Practice where he was taken on the 23rd February 2016 by two members of the public, who found him injured on their walk.

When he came to us we had the task of clipping away his wool to find the wounds, some were so deep and sore they were even down to the bone. His worst wound was to his hind right leg and bites to his stomach and his back. We cleaned his injuries up as best we could, some so deep they needed staples and he was given antibiotics and painkillers. Rodney became the practice lamb. For the next few days following his arrival he seemed to be on the mend, more confident with walking and bleating for food. We bottle fed him, kept him on medicines for his wounds, cleaning them daily and taking him for walks in the garden for exercise and grass. However, as the days went on Rodney started to go downhill and wasn’t his happy self.

His hind leg became worse and he couldn’t bear weight on it. An infection had started in the bone and was so painful, Rodney couldn’t use his leg so we had a decision to make. We had fallen in love with Rodney and wanted to give him every opportunity. Two weeks after he arrived, Rodney had surgery to remove his leg. The surgery was a success and after three days and some help from the team Rodney was back up on his feet. A little wobbly but he was up! He stayed with us until he was stronger, then nurse Vikki took him to be with other lambs at her farm. He was able to learn to walk on three legs and be with his own kind.
Eventually Rodney was strong enough and ready to find his forever home. He is now happy and forever with over 400 other rescued animals at Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary.

When you adopt Rodney, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

   • A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

   • A photograph of your adopted animal.

   • All Lives are Precious postcard.

   • An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

   • A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals 

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit Mr Rodders between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here


Spud is the sanctuary’s lovable live wire

Spud was born on a farm where a little girl lived, she would feed him and play with him regularly. She became very attatched, and when the little girl found out what was going to happen to Spud, she became extremely upset. It was their bond that saved him, because her family brought Spud to live with Carole at the sanctuary.

It wasn’t long before Spud had made friends with everyone here. He does have a special relationship with Alice. If he hear’s her call his name, he will race across the field to reach her.

Spud spends most of his days running around the field with the other sheep, and loves a biscuit!

When you adopt Spud, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

• A  certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.
• A photograph of your adopted animal.
• All Lives are Precious postcard.
• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing
• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals
Adoptions cost only £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit Spud between the months of mid- April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire.   Please  Contact us here to arrange an appointment.



The friendliest character at Woolly Park

Joey was kindly brought to Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary in 2016 by Rachel, one of our long term volunteers, after being saved by a helper on a farm in Yorkshire. A group of kind people chipped together to purchase him and saved him from slaughter.

This handsome young boy is one of the friendliest characters at  Woolly Park and for the first six months never left Carole’s side, following her around just like any pet dog would. He still loves human contact, enjoys a biscuit and will come running at the call of his name. He certainly makes any visitors feel welcome at Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary and is now another firm favourite on the adoption list.

When you adopt Joey, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

   • A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

   • A photograph of your adopted animal.

   • All Lives are Precious postcard.

   • An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

   • A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals 

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit Joey between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here

Ewe Can Help


“Ewe Can Help” article by Lucy Stroud in The People on Sunday 3rd July 2011

 A shelter that has looked after thousands of animals for 25 years desperately needs your help to save it from closure

Newspaper article in ‘The People’ July 2011 by Lucy Stroud.


Wilma loves seedless grapes and corn on the cob

Wilma is the youngest of our piggies at Woolly Park. She arrived at the sanctuary in 2016, a cute little piglet, complete with her own den – a small pull up tent and a combination of soft toys and play things. She was rescued by a family after Wilma’s biological mum rejected her. The family loved Wilma very much, but knew she couldn’t stay with them forever. This was when it was arranged for Wilma to come and live with Carole and all the other rescued animals.

But it wasn’t long before Wilma outgrew her pull up tent, so the sanctuary invested in a child’s play house.

This special young girl has settled in beautifully at Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary and like most of our rescued animals has been through trauma before being rescued by wonderful, compassionate people. Having now found her feet (trotters), she has her own paddock, complete with a comfy arc and muddy wallow. She also has a couple of  more mature neighbours George and Angelina.

Wilma loves seedless grapes and corn on the cob. She also love’s to see our supporters when they visit the sanctuary, especially when they have adopted her.

When you adopt  Wilma, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

• A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Wilma between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire.    Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here

Country Smallholding Magazine

Offering a sanctuary for sick animals

‘For 20 years Carole Webb has cared for sick and unwanted farm animals.’ – Carole speaks to Simon McEwan in an excellent article, published Christmas 2009 in the Country Smallholding magazine.


Marigold is a delightful Anglo Nubian goat.

Marigold and Morgan were the only goats at the sanctuary and had been here for about ten years. They had always lived happily together. Sadly, this year, Morgan passed away quite suddenly. Marigold had never been on her own and the whole team felt that it was too sad for Marigold to live at Fars without her friend. A dear friend of the sanctuary, Sue, rescues goats and so Marigold has gone to live at The Rescue Ranch. As you can see from the pictures she has settled really well. 

Sue is an amazing, compassionate person who for two decades has dedicated her life to rescuing farm and domestic animals, particularly elderly, disabled and those with special needs, providing a lifelong sanctuary for them. The Rescue Ranch is a non profit organisation so all donations are really appreciated and go towards caring for the animals. 

You can still adopt Marigold. Any adoption fees will be sent on to Sue to help give Marigold the life she deserves at:

Thank you for your support. Love Carole, the team and Marigold.


Marigold and Morgan (we believe they were mother and son) were brought into the sanctuary after being found abandoned, tethered to a garden fence.

The Anglo Nubian goat is recognisable by its long floppy ears and pronounced ‘Roman’ style nose. Generally, they are slightly longer in the body than other breeds. It is also one of the heaviest and tallest breeds of goat, with males weighing up to 140 Kgs and females up to 110 Kgs. Being naturally curious creatures anyway, this mischievous duo would chew on and taste just about anything resembling plant matter to decide whether it is good to eat. They were also quite athletic when it comes to climbing and would scale almost any obstacle just to nibble on something they fancy.

When you adopt Marigold, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

• A  certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost only £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit Marigold between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here


Nicknamed ‘Little Peggy!’

Peggy was a tiny lamb when she arrived at Woolly Park Farm in 2017. Peggy’s biological mum had rejected her and she was struggling with neurological problems. Nicknamed Little Peggy, she wasn’t very strong, extremely wobbly on her legs and also blind in one eye.
Carole kept kept Peggy close to her for a number of months, bottle-feeding her regularly, while also helping the tiny lamb to strengthen her legs.

Peggy has a very close bond with Carole. She spent so long with the founder of FARS during those early days. Now, her problems are barely noticeable and although she is still blind in one eye, Peggy doesn’t let it deter her.

When you adopt  Peggy, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

• A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit Peggy between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford) Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here


Angelina loves tummy rubs

Angelina arrived at the sanctuary in March 2017. Eight years of age, her owner, who had kept her as a family pet, due to unforeseen circumstances was no longer able to keep her.  From day one at Woolly Park she settled in, enjoying plenty of snoozes and tummy rubs.

Extremely chilled and very affectionate, she loves nothing more than apple, carrot and sweetcorn treats, so if you are planning to adopt and visit Angelina, please don’t come empty handed. ngelina has just moved into her own outside paddock with purpose built home, which just happens to be beside George. Could love blossom, who knows, but some gents do prefer the more mature lady.When you adopt Angelina, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

When you adopt Angelina, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive:

• A certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

 • A photograph of your adopted animal.

 • All Lives are Precious postcard.

 • An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

 • A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals  


Adoption packages cost just £30.00 for 12 months!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit Angelina between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here


Florence certainly melts hearts

Florence was just a couple of weeks old when she arrived at Woolly Park Farm. She was an extremely poorly lamb and it was touch and go for quite some time.  Carole took Florence under her wing, as she so often does, keeping her snug and warm indoors. With plenty of tender loving care and regular bottle feeds, Florence grew stronger and stronger.

Now, she is a beautiful young girl, who is a firm favourite at the sanctuary. She has certainly made many sheepy friends at Woolly park Farm. Florence enjoys nothing more than a day foraging around the paddock, returning to her lovely straw bed in the evening. She certainly melts hearts with her stunning looks!

When you adopt  Florence, or any of our animals on the adoption list you will receive

• A  certificate with a personal message from your adopted animal.

• A photograph of your adopted animal.

• All Lives are Precious postcard.

• An invitation to visit your adopted animal between mid-April/to mid-Sept. Please book your visit by emailing

• A warm, fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary continue with their incredible work, protecting and caring for rescued farm animals

Adoptions cost is only £30.00 for 12 months.!
(Your adoption pack postage is inclusive)
Credit/Debit card payments are accepted via a secure Paypal online transaction. There is no additional cost to yourself for using Paypal.
Alternatively, you can send your adoption payment cheque/postal order to us by post.


Pay Now – Full 12 months payment of £30.00

You can visit  Florence between the months of mid-April to mid-September. Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary is based in Wolverton (Stratford Upon Avon), Warwickshire. Please contact Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary via email to arrange an appointment.- Contact us here

Roy Hattersley Visits FARS

They all think they’ve gone to animal heaven

Roy Hattersley sums up Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary in his December 2007 Daily Mail December article. This great read, more than describes Woolly Park Farm and the hard-work and determination Carole has put in over the years to build this haven of compassion and kindness.